So with the third installment in the event, what has changed? A lot actually!
The issue opens up with Batman explaining what happen to the League when the encountered the Crime Syndicate. Seems that Deathstrom was able to open up the matrix in firestorm and trap the Justice League, and JLA inside of him. But the issue kind of drops that within a couple of pages.
We then cut to Lex and Bizzaro attempting to track down the Crime Syndicate. They're both successful in establishing an up-link to know where they are at all times. Lex watches Ultraman and we are treated to a very lack luster and very disappointing fight. Also, I'd like to note, in this fight, the art went down hill real fast.
It's hilarious to see! But the issue is redeemed with a Rouges vs. Deathstorm and Powering fight. Major things happen in this one skirmish. Deathstorm is able to extract the power in Captain Colds DNA and make him powerless. As the Rouges try to escape, the portal is busted. Captain Cold is then shot out near Lex and Bizzaro. They propose to work together with Black Manta and Black Adam. It's an interesting team to see.
Over all this issue was okay. Nothing to fancy happened until the end of it. The story felt kind of slow and the action was sort and extremely boring. I know I said the Rouges fight redeemed the issue, only in the sense that we got to more of the Rouges be bad asses. The art suffers greatly here, as seen above. If that doesn't turn you off, you will need to read Rouges Rebellion to understand some parts of the issue. This event is alright so far, if I were you, I'd go with Cataclysm over Forever Evil.
Forever Evil #3: 2/5