Friday, February 28, 2014

Arrows's Flash

Presenting, Barry Allen

The creature of Green Arrow's costume in Arrow has shown off his new design for Barry Allen, which I'm sure you're all aware of, is making a apperance on Arrow. The actor playing the fastest man alive is Grant Gustin . The released image doesn't show off much, but it gives some kind of idea. The suit seems darker than the comic version. And it also has a chin guard.

Only time will tell on how this costume looks. But with what is shown, I have to say it looks great!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Random Recommended Reading! Parasyte!

Random Recommended Reading! Parasyte!

So I left my comfort zone for this RRR. I don't usually read manga, but something about this book just grabbed my attention. The story is set around a Highschool boy named Shinji, everything is all and well in his life until alien spores fall upon the planet. These parasites invade their prey by entering their ears, luckily Shinji blocks the snake like alien. But he the alien manages to infect Shinji's right hand. Now he must learn to coexist with an alien parasite, but it won't be that simple. Some parasites need to feed...


While it does have one of my biggest pet peeve about manga/anime, being centered in Highschool. That being said, the story doesn't completely revolve around his school life. There are chapters were there is a problem at school, but it's brief. It's a fun ride and actually has twists, things that you think wouldn't happen, do.


While the art is some what "bland" in my opinion. It's the alien designs that take the cake. I feel like I'm reading a "The Thing" Manga at times. The creatures are pretty much like that. They consume a host and take its form. But underneath it's a hideous mess of eyes, teeth, and multi-limbs.


While this does contain a lot of fun mystery in it. It has enough action and gore to keep you invested. If you're into that kind of stuff. It's a lot of tentacles and blades lashing around. Decapitations, people being impaled, that kind of stuff. It's all fun and wild. In the early parts of the chapters the fights were mostly Migi doing all the work. When you get past a particular part, Shinji joins the fray and the fights go to a whole new level of fun. If you're looking for a alien on alien blood battle, look no further

Over all the series is everything you need in a good book. Action, mystery, comedy, gore, aliens, just perfect. I dove in thinknig it be another typical manga and came out loving this series. Please, do yourself a favor and check this out!

Robocop Respect Thread!

Robocop Respect Thread

Your move, creep.

I was thinking of making this respect thread for two reasons. One, because of the up coming movie remake. And two, because I feel like Robocop isn't respected enough on the battle forums. Now, I don't plan on posting movie feats, so these feats will only have comic feats.

So, let's start, shall we?


Robocop is an easy 5 tonner.

Easily lifts a car

Punches through a wall and kicks down a steel door

Now this is probably his best strength feat in the comics. He holds up the foot of a giant mech. The weight was never stated so you can only estimate how heavy the foot is and how much pressure.

 So he's so slouch in the strength department.


 Now most think that Robocop is easily beat by explosions, falling, etc. But he's actually a walking tank.

Falls from a helicopter and busts through multiple floors of a building.
1, 2, 3

And of course Robocop eats bullets all the time.

Tanks an energy blast from a battle mech
1, 2

Here he he tanks heavy machince gun fire and close range. (He was dazed from an unexpected explosion)


Now Robocop is protrade as being slow in the movies. He's quite fast in the comics, but only by a small amount.

He reacts to point blank machine gun fire and dodges a rocket.
1, 2

There are more speed feats I'll be posting ASAP.


Now Murphy is a whiz with his side arm. But how good his he? You tell me...
Pulls of 6 head shots while tanking bullets.

Yautja Respect Thread

Yautja(Predator) Respect Thread

One of my favorite creatures in cinema and comics, the Predator. This race of hunters are equipped with a deadly arsenal and have superhuman stats. These are feats all from all forms of media, movies, games, books, and comics.

Note! While every Yautja is different in skill, they all share similar stats.


Besides from the iconic spine rip, the species has shown insane feats of strength!

1, 2, 3, 4,

Able to overcome the locking mechanism of maximum security gate (1:45 and 4:25)

"They had careened through yet another curve in the road when Nikolai saw Marikova's eyes widen and she shouted at him, at them "There's someting out there! Stop now!" Rath glanced back at her with an expression that Nikolai interpreted as pity or disgust--and gunned the engine. Something shimmering and heavy hit Nikolai's side of the truck with a force that cracked metal, and in that splitsecond before the truck overturned and they all went spilling out onto the ground, onto the road, Nikolai felt something right beside his head, something that made a growling-clicking sound that made himscream, and behind it the sensation of great weight and the smell like rotting meat so that he steeled himself for a blow, but no blow came, just the delicate scrape of a clawed hand across his face, receding as the changed momentum of the truck and his own inertia carried him away from the creature."

Kicking over a military truck
Predator: Cold War

And of course in Predator and Predators both endings show the Predators back handing grown men around like rag dolls.


In the Predator Universe, the hunters have been shown to out run gun fire. Even dodge close range machine gun fire!

Reacts to machine gun fire and out runs it.

1, 2, 3

 Pretty much speaks for itself 

Novel speed feats

"Then, without warning, moving faster than human eyes could follow, the foremost of the three creatures rammed a spear through Anatoli's chest. Anatoli crumpled. With his lung pierced, he couldn't even manage a dying scream.
. . .
One of the creatures ran after him, moving inhumanly fast, so fast Buyanov could not properly follow the motion. As Dmitri's hand reached for the alarm handle, the thing's hand slammed down on the top of the Russian's head."

- Cold War

"The predator came out of the spaceship again, in full armour. Gustat had a clear shot, and the ArmaLite AR-50 wasn't a joke. He would probably make a dent in the Predator's armour, maybe even several dents. Possibly kill him, although the creatures reflexes were so freakishly fast that Gustat doubted it."

- South China Sea

"The spear was snatched from his back by a shadowy, indistinct figure and the second man let loose with his AK-100, spraying bullets at the barely glimpsed spear-wielding killer.The thing moved so fast it almost seemed to be dodging the bullets as it turned and ran back down the canyon. The Russian charged after it, bellowing."

-Cold War


Most people assume that Predator's are weak and are easily killed off...They are very wrong.

Survives a point blank explosive arrow

Being set of fire
1, 2 

Tanking Helicopter missiles
1, 2, 3

Survives another point blank explosion
1, 2

Survives shot gun blasts
1, 2, 3

More will be posted by 2/8/14 I have been busy and am the only one gathering scans and such. Hopfully you're all interested enough to return and see the added content.